The Tail Of Two Cities Intro
HEY Everyone ABC released a One minute intro to the Season 3 Premiere of Lost.
Nothing really happen besides Jack waking up and calling for Kate.
You should watch it though.
HEY Everyone ABC released a One minute intro to the Season 3 Premiere of Lost.
Nothing really happen besides Jack waking up and calling for Kate.
You should watch it though.
Posted by
9/30/2006 11:09:00 AM
All Right since Lost is coming on Wednesday will the episode called "The Tail of Two Cities". There will site changes. The old posts of The Lost Experience will still be here because we might turn back to them for some answers.
Tonight I started the begining of the podcast but I'm not done so.. expect a podcast tomorrow.
I'll fill you in with that whole "Best Lost Experience Moment" award.
Till tomorrow
Dr.Spongebob Chris Shephard
Posted by
9/29/2006 09:58:00 PM
There has been an update to Alvar Hanso has written a letter about the restoration of the Foundation. But that's not the word "humanity" at the end of the third paragraph for a creepy message from Mittlewerk. Is this the end of the lost experience? Or is it another beginning?
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/27/2006 07:32:00 PM
So where do we go now........
Will Alvar be freed? Or will the Hanso Foundation just move him to secret location?
What happened to Mittelwerk?
What's happened to the Hanso Foundation?
I gotta go... but I don't think we are done just yet.....
Posted by
9/25/2006 03:35:00 PM
Click HERE to listen to the final DJ Dan's final broadcast. The Lost Experience Clues edited out the song interruptions for you.
Your Welcome....
Posted by
9/25/2006 03:30:00 PM
Well everyone it's the last day of the Lost Experience. Thanks for all of those who followed the game. I also want to thank The Lost Experience Clues and Rachel Blake Refugees and countless others that helped all of us through The Lost Experience. It has been fun with all of you guys but we can still hang out here or at The Lost Community. This is only the begining.
Til' the Final Broadcast....
See you and thanks for the memories....
- Dr. Spongebob "Chris" Shephard
Posted by
9/24/2006 10:19:00 AM
Matt The Pale has brought something to my attention. Since The Lost Experience Ends tomorrow night he put up one of the best Lost Experience Moments. This is where we Shut Down The Hanso Foundation Site. And it gave me a idea. After the Final DJ Dan broadcast tommorow we are going to have an award for "The Best Lost Experience Moment". We will put up what we think are the best moments for The Lost Experience or you can e-mail us what do you think should put up. One of the moments will be when we shutdown The Hanso Foundation site. So look out for a new post to see what great moment you can vote for.
Posted by
9/23/2006 05:42:00 PM
Wednesday, September 27th at 9/8c Lost: A Tale of Survival
Feeling lost? Having a hard time keeping up with what's happening on the island? ABC has the remedy for what ails you by inviting both new and avid "Lost" viewers to take an insider's look at the most talked about, critically acclaimed show on television. "Lost: A Tale of Survival" will explore the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date, but which current viewers will also find illuminating. From the back stories of some of the most compelling characters on television to the mysteries of the island, "Lost: A Tale of Survival" will provide an insightful glimpse into the lives of the survivors of Oceanic Airlines flight 815, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network
I'm not missing this. Even though it's a clip show it might reveal something.
I'll keep you updated
Posted by
9/23/2006 12:52:00 PM
Hey everyone just a little Lost update. You can now watch Lost for FREE again. There is new Lost recap for any new Lost fans who is really Lost.
What are you waiting for?
Posted by
9/23/2006 10:04:00 AM
WARNING: This Promo contains LOST spoilers. So watch at your own RISK
Posted by
9/22/2006 09:32:00 PM
comments has been updated! Go there and you'll see a rather strange card with a snowman on the beach, as well as a message that the site has been removed. If you click on the word "remove", however, you'll be taken to this video Also, if you "Ctrl A" the page, you'll see the following link at the bottom: 13/9/19/19/9/14/7/15/18/7/1/14/19 It takes you to the Index of /usr where you can finally find the in the trash folder. The title of the document inside the zip file is "Evidence of the Hanso Foundation's Crimes". Also, you'll find that there are some new entries in the OpenersHep.log file regarding William T. Kilpatrick (WTK). All of these folders have important evidence
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/21/2006 03:54:00 PM
This is it people. The lost experience is finally coming to an end. Hard to believe right? Anyway make sure you listen to DJ Dan's live podcast on September 24th.
Thank you and, "Namaste"
-Professor Cozmo
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/20/2006 11:21:00 PM
Hey everybody good news. The Dr. and I think we will be having a new team member joining our blog. That would be great because Chris and I need more help. Also, Chris made the official Destination Lost email address. So if you have fan mail, questions, or clues,email us at Just put in the subject box you're emailing us about Thanks a lot
-Professor Cozmo
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/19/2006 04:15:00 PM
The Retrievers of Truth have a new thread on their message board It is dated September 13th but apparently just appeared today. Please correct us if we're wrong.
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/19/2006 03:34:00 PM
Everyone that has registered on received the following email today from Rachel: "OKAY, EVERYBODY. THIS IS IT. YOU'VE FOUND OVER 1000 APOLLO BARS. I KNOW NOW THAT THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING...GO TO WWW.WHEREISALVAR.COM." When you visit, you see a message from Rachel telling us to make sure we are part of DJ Dan's podcast on September 24th at 8 PM PST. DJ Dan has also updated his podcast page ,hinting that rachel blake will be a special guest on the podcast.
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/18/2006 04:48:00 PM
Nothing new.
So just comment until we get a clues or news. Also go check check out Speakers new Video Reader Mail it should keep you entertained until we get news.
Trust me it's entertaining. Just KIDDING
Posted by
9/17/2006 05:00:00 PM
Hey everyone guess What I got. Yes it's the offical Lost Season 2 blooper reel.
Posted by
9/17/2006 12:30:00 PM
Hey here is the sixth Destination Lost podcast. Guess whose back. Yes it's ERIC on the phone. It is possible that we might have a new team member on our blog and podcast. All right the podcast is 18 minutes the shortest ever. Remember Lost begins in 18 DAYS
To Download The Podcast right click here
Or You can listen to it click here or here
Also go look in the comments for some news about the site.
Update: You can now see all of The Destination Lost Podcast right here. Enjoy!
Posted by
9/16/2006 10:27:00 PM
Yes Everyone I think it's official.DJ Dan will Blow the lid off The Hanso Foundation on 8 PM PST Sunday, September 24.
Posted by
9/16/2006 06:00:00 PM
This is the commercial I saw before I was describing it to you on the previous Podcast.
I like this sentence from the promo.
"They are free from the world, free from their pasts, they finally have a chance to discover who they really are...what could be more terrifying than that?"
Posted by
9/16/2006 11:14:00 AM
All right since the whole glyph thing is out the window all we have been doing is piece pieces of a conversation between Rachel Blake and Malik. SO I put the pieces of their conversation together.
RACHEL: M--Conscience is keeping you in the fight, is it? Heard you call in to DJ Dan. If you're talking about who I think you are then you already know my answer.
MALICK: R -- I think it's fair to say, whatever conscience I have was built on faulty equipment. This is a matter of duty. Loyalty... Speaking of which, I've been troubled by the very recent disappearance of an old friend, de Zylva. We all saw your Sri Lanka video. You were captured at the end, and yet, there you were, blasting those Lost producers in San Diego not a week later. And, I have to wonder... did de Zylva have something to do with that? Do you know what's become of him?
RACHEL: I knew you were behind that. I just knew. He never told me, you know?
When I hit the ground I was sure I was dead. The camera was broken, they were dragging me to my feet... and then a burst of gunfire in the air. These were SCIENTISTS, unarmed. They hit the ground. But not Mittelwerk. He kept coming until de Zylva turned the shots in his direction. Once Mittelwerk was face down on the ground, de Zylva grabbed my hand and we were gone. With the camera.
He didn't talk. He said he was de Zylva, that was it. We knew Mittelwerk was already in pursuit, but we stuck to tunnels that had been dug out during various wartimes. We had some close calls. The goal was the American embassy in Colombo, but when we got there, we knew that was impossible. It was being watched -- the airport, too. de Zylva said The Hanso Foundation had too much influence in Colombo to take the risk.
And, then, they caught wind of us again. We knew we could be caught at any second, and the only important thing was that video. EVIDENCE of Mittelwerk's world-wide decimation plot. I'd planned for this. All I needed was a secure, high-speed connection. The Hanso goons knew it too. They surrounded the place while I was uploading. We barricaded ourselves, de Zylva knew an escape route. I barely got out, made my way to a friend of de Zylva's who could get me to India. I swear, I waited for de Zylva. But he never came.
I'm so sorry.
MALICK: This is not your fault. As you once shouted at the top of your lungs, we've all got 'blood on our hands.' I just hope my friend is resting easy. Where are you? I'll need you to meet me in Norway.
RACHEL: M--I wish it were that simple. Fact is, as much as I want to, I still can't trust you. I want to believe you are the man who helped me in Paris but "de Zylva's" name was not unknown. You could be Mittlewerk himself, springing a trap under my feet. I need confirmation it's you. I need you to tell me something only you could know.
MALICK: R -- I respect your caution. Suppose it's warranted, after all you've come through. I can't remember it exactly, but I think when we were in the stairwell in Paris, you muted the mic as I said "Because he wanted me to help you, and I can't question a man who would launch the Mental Health Appeal... to save a loved one." Say what you will about him now, his heart was once in the right place.
MALICK: You lived in 3 different apartments. Be waiting outside your second at 7:45 PM. I'm sending a car. Hope you remember the brand of iron you hit me with, because that's the code.
Posted by
9/16/2006 12:02:00 AM
Looks like DJ Dan has changed the podcast time once again. This time to Sunday the 24th at 8 pm PST. This is still not a good time for me I wish it was in the morning... I have bad luck..
Posted by
9/15/2006 10:41:00 PM
Hey everyone there is a new post on Converting the binary to text gives hex, which then converts to what appears to be a reply to Rachel from Malik saying, "R -- I respect your caution. Suppose it's warranted, after all you've come through. I can't remember it exactly, but I think when we were in the stairwell in Paris, you muted the mic as I said "Because he wanted me to help you, and I can't question a man who would launch the Mental Health Appeal... to save a loved one." Say what you will about him now, his heart was once in the right place." So you know what what that means. Just look at the picture above.
There is also a new post on The octal decodes to "IiY'nCmN" which can be rearranged to read "I'm in NYC."Rachel has yet again posted another encrypted message at Look at the picture posted by user "". Because of all the oustanding decoding/encoding work in the comments, the message has been translated to say, "You lived in 3 different apartments. Be waiting outside your second at 7:45 PM. I'm sending a car. Hope you remember the brand of iron you hit me with, because that's the code."
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/14/2006 06:25:00 PM
What's up everybody it's the professor. We have found out if you log in to, you'll see a blinking star next to the "Send Sequence" button. Press the "star button" and you will hear 4 minutes, 13 seconds of Morse Code. According to PeaceandNamaste and mamomk, translating this gives us us "M--I wish it were that simple. Fact is, as much as I want to, I still can't trust you. I want to believe you are the man who helped me in Paris but "de Zylva's" name was not unknown. You could be Mittlewerk himself, springing a trap under my feet. I need confirmation it's you. I need you tell me something only you could know." It's pretty strange right. The Dr. and I will keep you updated on more "updates." :)
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/13/2006 05:39:00 PM
Everyone take note that DJ Dan's next live broadcast has been changed from the morning of the 23rd to the morning of the 22nd TheHansoFoundation Site Update?
TheHansoFoundation Site Update?
Dixee noticed on the ARG Monitor that the Hanso Foundation website was updated today. Go to that site and move your mouse to the area just under the link to Mittlewerk's video and you'll see your cursor change. Click and press Control-A to select all the text. You will see "Pdeo eo jkp ukqn bwqhp. Wo ukq kjya odkqpaz wp pda pkl kb ukqn hqjco, sa'ra whh ckp 'xhkkz kj kqn dwjzo.' E fqop dkla iu bneajz eo naopejc awou."Copy and paste it into this translator. Set the "Length of codewords to try" to 2 and click on "Analyze ciphertext". The resulting text will be "This is not your fault. As you once shouted at the top of your lungs, we've all got 'blood on our hands.' I just hope my friend is resting easy. Where are you? I'll need you to meet me in Norway." It appears we have a reply to Rachel from Malik.d. Head over to his podcast page for full details!
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/12/2006 07:03:00 PM
The Other Girl posted with a message about a cryptic email she recieved filled with numbers. Decode the numbers (using this website) and you'll find that it's Rachel's quick reply to Malik. Her message has luckily answers some of the significant questions we've been asking. She says..."I knew you were behind that. I just knew. He never told me, you know?When I hit the ground I was sure I was dead. The camera was broken, they were dragging me to my feet... and then a burst of gunfire in the air. These were SCIENTISTS, unarmed. They hit the ground. But not Mittelwerk. He kept coming until de Zylva turned the shots in his direction. Once Mittelwerk was face down on the ground, de Zylva grabbed my hand and we were gone. With the camera.He didn't talk. He said he was de Zylva, that was it. We knew Mittelwerk was already in pursuit, but we stuck to tunnels that had been dug out during various wartimes. We had some close calls. The goal was the American embassy in Colombo, but when we got there, we knew that was impossible. It was being watched -- the airport, too. de Zylva said The Hanso Foundation had too much influence in Colombo to take the risk. And, then, they caught wind of us again. We knew we could be caught at any second, and the only important thing was that video. EVIDENCE of Mittelwerk's world-wide decimation plot. I'd planned for this. The Hanso goons knew it too. They surrounded the place while I was uploading. We barricaded ourselves, de Zylva knew an escape route. I barely got out, made my way to a friend of de Zylva's who could get me to India. I swear, I waited for de Zylva. But he never came. I'm so sorry."
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/12/2006 06:52:00 PM
Looks like Malik has replied to Rachel Blake by sending a message to/through Ninja. His latest post contains this image which was translated (see comments at the end of the previous post) to say, "R -- I think it's fair to say, whatever conscience I have was built on faulty equipment. This is a matter of duty. Loyalty... Speaking of which, I've been troubled by the very recent disappearance of an old friend, de Zylva. We all saw your Sri Lanka video. You were captured at the end, and yet, there you were, blasting those Lost producers in San Diego not a week later. And, I have to wonder... did de Zylva have something to do with that? Do you know what's become of him?"
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/12/2006 06:46:00 PM
The podcast contains stuff about The Lost Experience and The Award part of the podcast. Sorry Lost Fans. Well I talked about about a Lost Promo I saw. I haven't seen it on internet yet but I described it so you might want to listen.
If you just want to hear the winner of the Award just jump to the end of the podcast.
If you want to listen to the Podcast go Here
To Download the podcast right click Here
There was some techincal Diffculty when I played the Hanso Exposed Video. It skipped some parts.
Sorry :<
Posted by
9/09/2006 07:47:00 PM
Speaker from Inside the Experience, just posted this picture above on his blog (he had the image flipped). The filename is "ironman_1". Could this be a message from Rachel to "Iron Man" Malek? The hex converted to Ascii is: "rewsna ym wonk ydaerla uoy neht era uoy kniht i ohw tuoba gniklat eruoy fi nadjd ot ni llac uoy draeh ti si thgif eht ni uoy gnipeek si ecneicsnoc --m" If you read this backwords it says: "M--Conscience is keeping you in the fight is it? Heard you call in to DJ Dan. If you're talking about who I think you are then you already know my answer."
All I have to say is " Too many numbers". I'm just speculating that Rachel said "My Conscience is keeping you ..." So on so on.
I'll keep you updated
Posted by
9/09/2006 05:41:00 PM
The FINAL Fragment Code, "PGVPE4EC" has been found on Rachel Blake's European Holiday blog. It was found by viewing the source code of her blog and discovering a string of picture files (.png). So all we needed to do was add the files to the main blog url, giving us various pieces of the final glyph. Here are the pieces of the glyph:
So If you all the pieces together, you'll get this picture of the final glyph (thanks to the Lost Experience Clues). The video fragment is Alvar Hanso saying, "Valenzetti assigned numerical values to the core environmental and human factors of his equation, 4,8,15,16,23,42."
So at last we found the meaning of the numbers. I just want to say Matt The Pale You did a awesome job organizing the Glyphs. Great Job!!
The Hanso Exposed Video
So since we finished here is the finished Sri Lanka Video.
The only leads we have now is DJ Dan and Where is
There is one question I want to know.
Where do we go?
Posted by
9/08/2006 09:42:00 PM
Hey Everyone over at DJ Dan's Podcast archive he has a new message for everyone. Looks like the DJ is about to strike back!! DJ Dan is going to have another live podcast on Saturday September 23rd at 8 am PST, 10 am CST, 11 am EST. Get those emails into him right away.
Posted by
9/08/2006 09:30:00 PM
Fragment Code "KCQBMLI6" was found in 4 pieces on a glyph hunt beginning on Ninja's MySpace Page. He has a blog posted on myspace and it ends by saying, "These aren't the droids you're looking for..." (piece 1) and then gives us a clue that leads us back to this post on his blog. When you check thel link Other Girl's got the scoop, you get piece 2. Finally, on his latest post, he ends his post by saying, "And finally, I hope you've got your detective caps on...? (Notice the hidden link? Piece 3) Near my seal begins the tasking, it's the question we're all asking..." If you go to his post featuring his seal, you'll find that his Where is Alvar link isn't really what it appears to be (It's piece 4).
Fragment Code "ZR2JI" was found on the London live-glyph hunt. Dacky, Ian, and one other person were some of the first to the scene. They sent us pictures of the glyph painted in the grass (close up) and also the glyph on a clear sheet of acetate. The video fragment is of Mittlewerk saying, "And in spite of every effort of the Foundation, we are gripped in the tyranny of those six Numbers."
There is one more glyph people. Lets find it and finish this video!!
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/07/2006 03:56:00 PM
Fragment code "V4UMMA" has been found in another one of Speaker's fun and challenging glyph hunts. Speaker posted a new bulletin on his Myspace page saying: "The Fuselage is the place to be, Find the user, initials K.P." We know Speaker likes Kim Possible so if you view Kim Possible's profile on the Fuselage, you'll see "When DJDan streamed live on the net" as the Custom Title and "There was a comment from a coaltrain's pet" as the Personal Text.During DJ Dan's live broadcast, Speaker then started this thread on his blog. "Coaltrain's pet" is in reference to Rosco P. Coltrane from The Dukes of Hazard, whose pet's name was Flash. If you scroll through the post you will find a comment by the user "Flash" who says: "to top 8 number 4 is where you should prance, click on the winner of so you think you can dance.." Finally, go back to Speaker's MySpace page and click on his Top 8 , Number 4, then on the winner of So You Think You Can Dance to see the newest glyph.
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/07/2006 03:49:00 PM
Fragment Code "FLHO6CUM181" was found late Tuesday night while many of us were watching Jimmy Kimmel. You'll find a new video on Speaker's YouTube account. Watch all the way to end of the video for the two riddles that will lead you HERE (to ctrl F "tigger"and follow the link provided) and then to HERE. Once you have those two pieces, you know where to look for the other two! Ninja has a new post with one piece here and the clue in his post about "rocks" leads you to the last one here (click namaste). The video fragment is of Dr.Thomas Mittlewerk saying, "The optimal mortality rate is 30%". 4 more glyphs to go people. We can do this!
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/06/2006 01:24:00 PM
Fragment Code "7C8R was found today. It was aired on uk channel 4 after the most recent Lost episode. Mr.Beardy/Alvar Hanso saying, "We will be able to change those core factors and give humanity a chance to survive." Fragment Code "7C8R" has been found. The glyph aired after the most recent LOST episode on the UK's Channel 4. The video fragment is of Mr. Beardy saying, "We will be able to change those core factors and give humanity a chance to survive."
Speaker at insidetheexperience has hinted to us to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live this week. We don't know what could happen but we're not going to miss a chance to boost Jimmy's ratings are we?!
Posted by
Professor Cozmo
9/06/2006 12:26:00 PM
Fragment Code "QUARANTINE" has been found. There is a new Verizon ad (click HERE for close-up) in Entertainment Weekly combined with Retrievers of Truth chat have led people to and to click baseball and then in the stands on the right side of the baseball park. The new code name pops up in the audience. Here is the transcript: "Is there something reflecting in the back?" (Mittlewerk) "Oh God" (Rachel) "Someone…somebody grab her!" (Mittlewerk) "There she is!" (unknown woman)
Posted by
9/04/2006 02:16:00 PM
Posted by
9/03/2006 06:47:00 PM
Everyone, the voting for the Award for Best Lost Experience site has come to a close.
Remember to listen to the Award Podcast to see who wins.
The Nominees are
Remember to listen to our first edition of the Award Podcast to see who wins.
Thank You
Posted by
9/03/2006 05:05:00 PM
Hey everyone!
This is sort of a "waiting for something to happen" post. Well there is a glyph hunt in the UK. As we wait just comment here. Also Check out the new season three promo on the sidebar!! Also I just want to throw out some random stuff.
The Lost Experience : The Story So Far...
Since I started this blog I was tracking The Lost Experience. But now since the Experience is ( in my persective) almost finished. Destination Lost will be a all Lost Site. In the archives you can see how I tracked the LostExperience. The Lost Experience will be remembered to all who played it.
4 8 15 16 23 & 42
We have been promised to learn the meaning of these numbers. So far we don't have anything on it. Most people have speculated that these numbers fit into the Valenzetti Equation. But I'm not sure that is all they have to reveal.
Well that all I have for now.....
Posted by
9/02/2006 06:00:00 PM
Fragment Code "PKDBAH7J" was found in pieces via Speaker's Blog and Ninja's Blog based on clues they gave out. Speaker's first piece is right HERE and another from him is HERE. Ninja's pieces are right HERE and HERE. The video fragment is of Alvar Hanso/Mr. Beardy saying, "When, through your research, you manage to change the numerical value of any one of these factors..."
Posted by
9/01/2006 06:01:00 PM
"Everything Happens for a Reason"