Thursday, July 13, 2006

All Lost Experience Sites Shut Down

I was shutdown by blogger! There is definitely something wrong about The Lost Experience Clues, Inside the Experience, AND Lostpedia all shutting or going down at the same time! Is it just a coincidence, or is someone trying to silence us? Hmmmm maybe I was hacked . This can't be right.This blog and the lost experience clues are really good resources. Why didn't I check out or I wonder if they were down. I gotta find out what happened anyway there was a commercial : this was aired when The 23rd Psalm was on and jimmy Kimmel It was Wierd . Alex saw a commercial but I'll let her tell what happened if she posts about it. Ohh yeah before that I recieved a call saying watch Lost . I got that called when my blog was down. The number was restricted so I couldn't called it back.I wonder who it was First I thought it was Eric playing around with me but Speaker(from ) got a phone call too Also the people from got a call!!!! wierd right??? Sorta Scary!!! I ask you it was all I heard was a beep or it sounded like a click. I dunno. But Who did all of this. The Hanso Foundation???? TLEC ( The Lost experience Clues) will post a podcast next week with the recording of the call. Maybe it was the same as mine??? I'm wait for Rblake to arrive in Paris for her next post. ALEX POST ABOUT WHAT YOU SAW ABOUT CHANNEL 14 ok PS I don't think that dick cheevers blog is real. I G2G and Thomas Mittlewerk is not dead..........Check out and bye Also I heard that has updated but I have no password or username .............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder what is the password for

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