Saturday, October 21, 2006

"Every Man for Himself" Trailer

Sawyer discovers just how far his captors will go to thwart any plans of escape he and Kate might have, and Jack is called upon to scrub up in order to save the life of one of "The Others." Meanwhile, Desmond's behavior begins to perplex the survivors when he starts construction on an unknown device.

Great Stuff!!! If You did not notice this was not the promo after Further Instuctions aired. But it is the mostly the same. If you would like to see the original click HERE.

Check Out the previous posts about the last episode "Further Instuctions"!!


Unknown said...

this is just crazy! there are only three episodes left until that break and i'm trying to make a plan for that break so we can still update the blog.

Agent Kate said...

I know!!! Wat is with this episode?!?!?!

Professor Cozmo said...

That episode looks totally INSANE. i can't wait to see it. but you know just like they always do, the last episode before the break they are gonna leave us hangin with a HUGE question unanswered

Unknown said...

hey everyone I'm just checking in.

I'm just testing my new avatar.

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