Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fragment Codes "KCQBMLI6" & "ZR2JI"

Fragment Code "KCQBMLI6" was found in 4 pieces on a glyph hunt beginning on Ninja's MySpace Page. He has a blog posted on myspace and it ends by saying, "These aren't the droids you're looking for..." (piece 1) and then gives us a clue that leads us back to this post on his blog. When you check thel link Other Girl's got the scoop, you get piece 2. Finally, on his latest post, he ends his post by saying, "And finally, I hope you've got your detective caps on...? (Notice the hidden link? Piece 3) Near my seal begins the tasking, it's the question we're all asking..." If you go to his post featuring his seal, you'll find that his Where is Alvar link isn't really what it appears to be (It's piece 4).

Fragment Code "ZR2JI" was found on the London live-glyph hunt. Dacky, Ian, and one other person were some of the first to the scene. They sent us pictures of the glyph painted in the grass (close up) and also the glyph on a clear sheet of acetate. The video fragment is of Mittlewerk saying, "And in spite of every effort of the Foundation, we are gripped in the tyranny of those six Numbers."

There is one more glyph people. Lets find it and finish this video!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good job Professor

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