Saturday, August 05, 2006

OK Time To Catch Up.... Code : "NANITE"

Ok sorry people that I haven't posted Lately .... Well I'm only human I need to sleep. You see that word "NANITE" it's a fragment code.Here are all the Fragment Codes that I have not posted yet."90VDHOHU", "VOU8VPNPS5X", "750NZF8X", "NZ59", "e82kni8l","89RMCOCDC6D" &"vix7zxt97"These are all the fragments I found!!!! Keep Searching!!!! Edit: ok now from Trasher76's Flikr page It seems that he has some sort of artical by the Speaker I can read it a little. Here is the site: he also has the picture of the sprite ad that has the fragment code "NANITE" if you want to see it here is the link: Well I'll be keeping up with the Experience so if there are any new people that what to get into the Experience I will Make a post about it. Just Request it . Well I was listening to TLEC Podcast and they were trying to get the word out about it is a timeline starting from Magnus Hanso and the Black Rock to the present. It's really long. It's like a document sort of . There are weak spots on the theory so we gotta keep it real and make it a fact not a theory.You can download it. And I'm going to post something really interesting. So thats what I have so far.To go to The Lost Experience Podcast click here:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this has sort of become boring but I'll keep going I didn't give up so much of my time just to quit I just gotta keep it strong and move along

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